CHEMICAL ANALYST | Jiujiang Huirong Chemical Co., Ltd.
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Job responsibilities:
1. Responsible for the inspection of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products;

2. Establishment and validation of new analytical methods;

3. Management of laboratory chemical reagents;

4. Laboratory daily staff management, training and work arrangement;

5. Examination and filing of laboratory inspection records;

6. Joint work between laboratory and laboratory;

7. Proficiency in the performance of various analytical instruments and various analytical methods;

8. Ensure that 100% of the inspection instruments of the Quality Inspection Department can work normally.

9. Operation and maintenance of laboratory instruments;

1. Bachelor’s degree or above is preferred for chemistry-related majors.

2. Experience in the management of analytical laboratories and competent for the overall and coordinated management of analytical laboratories;

3. To be able to undertake testing and research work, and to guide the tester’s analysis and testing work;

4. Have a conscientious and rigorous work style and team spirit of excellence;

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